Explorați peisajele pitorești din jurul Route 60 pe trasee de drumeție care se strecoară printre dealuri și păduri. Aerul curat și liniștea naturii vă vor revitaliza și vă vor oferi o perspectivă unică asupra regiunii. Plimbările în aer liber sunt o alegere ideală pentru cei care caută o escapadă relaxantă..
Our Approach
An approach for Green IT Strategy which recommends greening by making decisions and trade-offs at architectural level because of interdependencies and complexities of information systems. An initial brief is put forward by our Client and then we work to make sure that the requirements are achievable and affordable. We prepare an initial feasibility study to help our Client gain a greater understanding of the opportunities presented.
A strategic brief is prepared by the Client, which identifies the key requirements and restrictions. Other members of the design team that are required will also be identified. This is likely to include a structural engineer and a party. A full project brief is created from the strategic brief at this stage